Five top tips to successful A Level Revision

With A Level exams fast approaching and just a few weeks to go before the first tests, here's our basic top tips to successfully revising for your summer exams.

1. Get the right attitude

Our top tip is to be confident and start revision with a top attitude. If you find yourself getting down or unmotivated, take a break.

Rewarding yourself is one good way to make sure you stay on track and keep yourself interested.

Avoid distractions and stay focused when you are revisng to try and stop your mind from wondering.

2. Know the exam

Know exactly what it is you need to be revising, making the most efficient use of your time. What topics are going to be tested? Are certain topics going to be worth more marks? Spend more time on revising those.

Make sure you know what type of exam it is, will it be essay based or questions? Ensure you take this into account with your revision.

3. Make a timetable

Make a timetable and STICK TO IT. Set aside certain times and days for your revision and keep to them.

Not only will this give you good practice in the long run with time keeping but will also get you into a routine.

Keep your timetable in your mind by placing it somewhere you'll see it every day, rather than stuffing it into a draw to gather dust.

4. Give yourself a break

All revision and no play makes for bad marks, not only will it leave you unmotivated but you'll find it a lot harder to remember and take in what it is you're reading.

Take at least a 10 minute break every hour, keep eating and drinking and don't go crazy with mammoth 5 or more hour revision sessions

Revision needn't even take up most of you time, depending on your exams just 30 minutes to an hour a day could be enough to ensure you pass.

5. Uncover how best you learn

Everyone learns differently. Some find it easier to remember things simply by writing them down, others by answering questions, some like to use anagrams, limericks, mind maps and various other individual techniques.

Tests like this one may give you a hand on finding out how your mind works, but it's best to find our yourself over time what works for you personally.

This is all about making the most efficient use of your time.

About the author: Thomas Brella

Thomas Brella is the founder of Student Hacks, starting the website in 2013 while studying at the University of Brighton to share tips and tricks on life as a cash-strapped student. He's now spent over 10 years scoping out the best ways to live on a budget

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