The Easiest A Levels in the UK May Surprise You

A Level grades

While the term "easiest" is subjective and depends greatly on individual strengths and preferences, some A Level subjects are generally perceived as less demanding.

Here's a run down of what are considered to be the easiest A-Levels in the UK...


Sociology is often seen as one of the more accessible A Levels. It involves studying the development, structure, and functioning of human society. The subject often requires less in depth learning compared to the sciences and more discussion-based analysis, which some students find more manageable.

Business Studies

Business Studies covers basic principles of business, management, and economics. It is often perceived as easier because it involves practical knowledge that can be related to everyday experiences. The subject also requires less technical analysis than subjects like Economics.


A perhaps surprising entry. A Level Law introduces students to the UK legal system and basic legal concepts. It is considered one of the easier subjects as it primarily involves understanding and applying specific legal principles rather than memorising large amounts of data or solving complex problems.

Media Studies

Media Studies is often branded a 'Mickey Mouse' qualification. It is seen as less challenging due to its focus on analysing contemporary media and culture. The subject typically involves a mix of practical work and theory, which can be more engaging and less demanding in terms of technical skills or heavy content.

Art and Design

While Art and Design require creativity and practical skills, they are often viewed as less academically challenging. The subject mainly focuses on developing artistic skills and expressing creativity, which can be a welcome break from more theory-heavy subjects.

General Studies

The now defunct General Studies covers a broad range of topics, from social sciences to contemporary issues. Its breadth, rather than depth, of content makes it one of the easier A Level subjects, as it doesn't require intensive study of complex theories or concepts.

It's important to remember that "easier" does not imply a lack of academic value. The perceived ease of these subjects often comes from their practical, relatable nature and the type of skills they require, which might align better with some students' learning styles and interests.

Choosing A Level subjects should be based on individual strengths, career aspirations, and personal interests, rather than solely on perceived difficulty.

About the author: Thomas Brella

Thomas Brella is the founder of Student Hacks, starting the website in 2013 while studying at the University of Brighton to share tips and tricks on life as a cash-strapped student. He's now spent over 10 years scoping out the best ways to live on a budget

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