Make money as a student by filling out online surveys: Here's our quick start guide!
How to make money with online surveys
Websites like Swagbucks allow to turn your time idling away on your computer and laptop into quick cash.
All you need to do is voice your opinion on their surveys to build up points. You can also earn points from searching the web, answering polls, and signing up for certain offers and deals.
And what do points mean? PRIZES! You can exchange points either for a cash payout (via Paypal) or for free vouchers and giftcards at a number of top internet retailers including Amazon and more.
The best online survey website?
We suggest SwagBucks as a great starting survey site to make beer money in the UK. It's not a fly by night operation and has been going years; the website has quite literally paid out MILLIONS of pounds in rewards.
And it's absolutely FREE to sign up, so you can start making money online easily right away.
The best bit...
The SwagBucks site is available from desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobiles which means you can be making money online wherever you are. You could suddenly be turning that daily dull bus ride from University into time well spent and make a profit.
Sign up now
Click here to sign up to SwagBucks and to start making money!