7 surprisingly expensive habits you need to stop


Here's some more top money saving tips with seven regular expenses you can probably cut back or try to stop altogether in a bid to leave you with more cash in your pocket.

Ready to eat food

Ready to eat food may save you time but they're going to put a dent into your wallet. Pre-packaged sandwiches are particularly expensive for what they are and you'll be able to make your own much cheaper and nicer, plus without all the unhealthy added salt and preservatives needed to produce those made for shops.

Gym membership

Gym membership can be very expensive and if you don't actually bother to make use of it then anything more than free is costing you money: If you're not using your membership then ditch it now. But even if you do go to the gym every now and then, do you really need to? If you're just there for the treadmills then why not just take a run around the block instead.

Wasting food

Millions of pounds go to waste every year when food is thrown out so make sure to read our guide giving some top tips to avoid wasting food and making it last longer. Keep a regular eye on what's in your cupboard and especially your fridge to avoid being forced to put out-of-date and gone-off produce in the bin.

Bad driving

Petrol is expensive as it is and from speeding to harsh breaking, your driving habits are probably costing you a lot more every time to take a trip. Learn how to drive more economically to help cut your fuel costs.

Not getting the best deal

Whether it's car insurance comparison or comparing supermarkets, you should never accept the first price on something you buy without first seeking out cheaper alternatives. Take your time and do you research to get the cheapest prices around.


Okay this one isn't that surprising and really goes without saying but smoking is a very expensive habit and probably will only get moreso as time goes on. Try your best to quit completely - if only for your health rather than your wallet - or at the very least cut down.

Expensive nights out

Drinking is another costly habit but it's rather hard to be a student without partaking in even a casual night out there and then. Cutting the amount of nights you go out is the first step to reducing your drinking costs but also check out our tips on free nights out to save more cash.

About the author: Thomas Brella

Thomas Brella is the founder of Student Hacks, starting the website in 2013 while studying at the University of Brighton to share tips and tricks on life as a cash-strapped student. He's now spent over 10 years scoping out the best ways to live on a budget

More on: Living Money
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